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Academic School Programmes

Flourish in Schools

Academic School Programmes

​Academic Support:

As teachers and members of senior leadership, we understand how challenging it can be to cover the many topics, and ever changing goalposts of the National Curriculum and government expectations. We also acknowledge and appreciate the excellent teaching that takes place across schools.  


Our programmes are designed to not only support students in meeting and exceeding grades; but, we aim to support staff in relieving workload; ways to manage and reduce marking whilst increasing impact of feedback and areas that, due to time constraints and affects of Covid, need teaching. 


Examples of programmes:

6 week English booster programme - fiction writing

6 week English booster programme- non-fiction writing

Phonics support and intervention

Spelling, punctuation and grammar support

GCSE English intervention

GCSE Exam technique and familiarisation

GCSE masterclass in Literary texts

Creative writing masterclass one day workshop

6 week Maths booster programme

Masterclass in Fractions.

Masterclass in Decimals.

Masterclass in Percentages


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